Are there different qualities of PVC membrane? (and why you should choose Bestdeck)

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Lawrence Labbé
août 30, 2023

No matter what product you are looking for, there will always be different levels of quality. Whether you're shopping for a car, a computer, a sweater, or a toothbrush, evaluating quality versus price is always part of the decision-making process. It's no different when you've decided to have PVC coating installed on your patio or deck.

There are several PVC membrane manufacturers in North America, and each uses processes and ingredients that may differ from each other, and thus result in a better or worse quality product.

In this article, I present to you some things to look out for when it comes time to choose a PVC membrane, and the reasons why choosing Bestdeck's product and services are to your greatest advantage.

But first, a good way to help you make a choice.

Customer satisfaction

One of the best ways to reassure yourself when choosing a product is to find out from customers who have used the product you are considering.

When you are in the process of deciding which company to use, ask them questions about the various points that will be covered in this article. You want to make an investment in your home that will last a long time; ask about how their product has aged over the years.

Also, ask if it is possible to see one of the works they did for a client a few years ago. If it's not possible in person, ask them for photos.

Things to check that determine the quality of a PVC membrane


The durability of the membrane is a major element to check, since no one wants to have to redo work in five years when they expect to have peace of mind for the next 20 years.

Some membranes are very easy to scratch, and you absolutely want to avoid this problem. You will surely want to install furniture on your patio and you do not want its appearance to be affected after 2 weeks.

Ask the representative to give you a demonstration by rubbing different elements on the product. Obviously, scratching the membrane with a knife or hitting it with a hammer will affect its appearance. But normal use should  keep the membrane intact.

We have already observed a product being damaged following a simple friction of the sole of a sports shoe on the surface. You want to avoid this at all costs.

Preservation of appearance

One of the advantages of PVC membrane over other products on the market is the fact that it is available in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

However, some membranes will retain their appearance longer than others. Weather and sunlight have an impact on the long-term appearance of any exposed surface, and PVC is no exception to this process. It is natural for the color to fade by about 2% to 5% after 10 or 15 years. Such a slight change in tone over a long period is hardly observable.

This can cause a problem when the color of the product is changed more pronouncedly and prematurely. A surface that is 20% paler after 3 years of use can surely cause consumer frustration.

Be sure to ask your representative about this.

Protecting your patio

Another advantage of the PVC membrane that makes it an obvious choice for many is the fact that it is 100% waterproof and that it is installed tightly.

Other than minimal attention provided to the caulking joints, as indicated by the installers, the consumer expects not to have to worry about water infiltration and moisture accumulation which could cause problems.

Problems can arise when the PVC membrane shrinks over time. Unfortunately, some membrane companies offer a coating that shrinks after a few years. Not only can this cause water infiltration problems, but this situation is almost impossible to fix. It is then necessary to install a completely new membrane. You want to make sure you never face this situation.

Ask the company representative about the quality of the materials used and the long-term flexibility of the product.

Don't Forget: Installation

As mentioned above, beyond the concern for a better appearance of your patio, you are looking for a product that can protect your surface in the long term.

The installation process is largely what will determine the integrity of your surface for years to come.

Be sure to choose an experienced company that values customer service.

Why choose Bestdeck?

The Bestdeck PVC membrane is a top quality product that has proven itself throughout Quebec, New Brunswick and Ontario.

The Bestdeck membrane is very robust and holds up very well to normal daily use and loses very little of its color following exposure to the sun. Your deck will retain its appearance for the next 15 to 20 years.

Our product also maintains its integrity and does not shrink at all over time. So you won't have to worry about unexpected water infiltration.

It will soon be 25 years since the owner of Bestdeck has been in the business. Bestdeck therefore offers its customers unparalleled expertise and proven advice.

Contact us

You would like to know more about Bestdeck's products and services; contact us today.

You can also get a free and quick quote by clicking here.

Auteur: Lawrence Labbé

Publié le 14 juillet 2023

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Depuis 2013, les membranes de PVC Bestdeck sont fières d’être un leader de l’industrie dans les systèmes de revêtements de sol étanches pour les patios extérieurs en PVC. Les produits Bestdeck offrent des designs modernes et des sélections de couleurs variées, tout en étant assez résistantes pour le climat nord-américain le plus rude. Faites un choix éclairé et choisissez les membranes de PVC Bestdeck pour vos besoins de recouvrement de PVC extérieurs.


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