Covering of pool deck: the ideal solution

13 mai 2022

Summers that seem to be getting hotter in recent years have made swimming pools very popular with Quebec families, and this is an integral part of a successful summer season for many.

This is why it is essential to take the time to choose the right pool patio (or pool deck) covering, whether during its design, or later when the time comes to maintain the one we already have.

What could be more pleasant than being able to cool down at will when a heat wave hits or at the end of a hard day’s work. A backyard pool is also obviously a perpetual source of fun for the kids during summer vacation. A well-thought-out pool patio can only enhance the experience and the material used to protect it should be part of that process.

Bestdeck vinyl covering is your best choice, whether it’s for your in-ground or above-ground pool.


Waterproof material

The Bestdeck deck vinyl membrane is completely waterproof, which is essential when we want our pool deck to have an extended lifespan.

The membrane can be installed on wood, concrete, and any other material.

Instead of having to repaint your wooden patio regularly, or repair pieces that are damaged by water and humidity, you can have the vinyl membrane installed for complete protection.

Rather than leaving the concrete around your pool to be at the mercy of the effects of water infiltration, install BestDeck vinyl covering. This will allow you to fully enjoy the summer without worrying about potential damage to your pool surround.

Regardless of the size of your patio, waterproof joints prevent water infiltration. Add years to your patio!


Non-slip material

Another essential feature when talking about the surface around the pool is the fact that it is non-slip. This can prevent accidents and makes activities around our pool more pleasant.

The vinyl membrane is specifically textured to prevent users from easily slipping on it. This does not prevent it from remaining comfortable for the feet and making walking around the pool pleasant.


Attractive material

The look of the pool patio is a major element when the time comes to plan the landscaping work of our backyard.

Unlike many other materials used, the Bestdeck deck vinyl covering is available in a wide variety of colors, patterns and textures, which gives you great flexibility of choice.

Gone are the days when you had to choose between functionality and aesthetics.


A simple and smart choice

You plan to build a new pool deck or do maintenance work on your current patio; the benefits of BestDeck vinyl will make your life easier.

Contact us for a quick quote, and take full advantage of your pool this summer.

Author: Lawrence Labbé

Posted on May 12th, 2022

Une personne utilise une calculatrice tout en écrivant sur une feuille de papier.
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