Don’t wait until spring to plan your work

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Lawrence Labbé
oct. 30, 2023

Some of us are happy to see fall here, while others are already dreaming of spring.

No matter where you are on the fall and winter appreciation scale, it may be good to remember that the coming months can be strategic for planning upcoming outdoor work. If you would like to have a PVC membrane installed on your patio, do not postpone the planning of your project.

In this article, we will share some practical tips with you to ensure that you can fully enjoy your new outdoor surface next summer.

Don't wait any longer before contacting us

As you probably know, in the spring, customers often rush to contractors' doors to be able to obtain service as quickly as possible.

You can avoid having to wait longer than desired to have your work done, and ensure you can enjoy your improved deck as soon as possible by contacting us today. You will thus be able to secure a place in the calendar and be among the first contracts carried out in the spring.

Get in touch with us even if not all aspects of your project are finalized. We will be happy to advise you on the details that your project could include and guide you in the more concrete aspects of the work.

Additional work?

There is still time to dream. You are several months away from accomplishing your plan. This gives you the opportunity to think about the finished product you want to have.

Will you need to change your railling? Do you want to add a spa? Would you like to enlarge your terrace, or add a landing? Do you need to redo the stair treads?

The more clear you have about the work to be done, the more effective you will be in planning what needs to be done. Call the various contractors now to get quotes and try to set a date on the calendar for the work to be completed.

Also take this time to budget and set aside the money that will be needed for what needs to be carried out.

Think decor

The coming months will also be an opportunity to think about the aesthetic aspect of your outdoor space.

First, check out the colors and patterns available for PVC membrane. No matter what shades you use, Bestdeck offers a varied choice of colors among which you will find what you are looking for. We can also send samples to customers who are really interested in the product.

Also take the opportunity to think about what atmosphere you would like to create on your patio. Ask friends or a designer for advice. Shop your furnishings. Plan your lighting.

If you plan ahead, you can already create wonderful memories for you and your friends next summer.

Do not wait any longer

If you would like to reserve your place to have a PVC membrane installed on your patio next spring, call us today. We will be happy to schedule a time to carry out the work.

If you are not yet sure and would like more information or advice, contact us to get answers to your questions. You can also get a quick free quote for your project.

We wish you a wonderful fall!

patio dans grand bâtiment
par Lawrence Labbé 19 avr., 2024
Êtes-vous à la recherche de solutions pour la rénovation de votre patio? Avez-vous un projet de construction d’une nouvelle terrasse? Pesez-vous actuellement les pour et les contre des différentes options de matériaux qui se présentent à vous? Êtes-vous à la recherche d’un entrepreneur qui pourra bien vous conseiller pendant ce processus? Dans cet article, nous vous présentons 3 étapes simples pour que vous puissiez profiter de votre surface extérieure le plus rapidement possible en sachant que vous avez fait le bon choix.
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Depuis 2013, les membranes de PVC Bestdeck sont fières d’être un leader de l’industrie dans les systèmes de revêtements de sol étanches pour les patios extérieurs en PVC. Les produits Bestdeck offrent des designs modernes et des sélections de couleurs variées, tout en étant assez résistantes pour le climat nord-américain le plus rude. Faites un choix éclairé et choisissez les membranes de PVC Bestdeck pour vos besoins de recouvrement de PVC extérieurs.


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