Fiberglass patio or PVC membrane?

27 mai 2023

In the last post, we explored the differences and benefits between composite decking and Bestdeck PVC membrane for building or renovating your patio. In this blog, this time we will take care of making a comparison between a fiberglass patio and a surface covered with a PVC membrane.

There are so many choices that arise when it comes time to choose a material for a terrace, balcony or stairs, and so many different companies, that it becomes difficult to navigate.

One of the most popular choices on the Quebec market is fiberglass. This offers certain advantages over other options, but for more than 25 years more and more customers are discovering that the Bestdeck membrane is in the majority of cases a superior alternative.

We will discuss some of the positive aspects of fiberglass and compare it to PVC (polyvinyl chloride) membrane. We will then look at the elements that make the PVC membrane an essential option.

Comparison between the fiberglass and the PVC membrane

When an individual chooses fiberglass for his terrace, he does so for certain specificities offered by this material.


An attractive advantage of a fiberglass balcony is the fact that it is simple to maintain.

The Bestdeck membrane is also very easy to maintain and is an ideal option for those who prefer to enjoy their summer rather than waste weekends scratching, staining or painting their exterior surface. An occasional light cleaning and inspection in the spring and fall is enough to keep your investment looking great.


Fiberglass offers great weather resistance and offers an interesting level of impermeability.

The PVC membrane is also very resistant to all weather conditions, which makes it an undeniable choice for our region of the world. It is also 100% waterproof and can even be used above living rooms or storage spaces.

Variety of colors

Fiberglass is generally available in an interesting variety of patterns and colors.

Bestdeck offers membranes in a more than interesting number of different colors and patterns, which will adapt perfectly to your home and your outdoor environment.

The advantages of Bestdeck PVC over fiberglass

The coating offered by Bestdeck proves to be a better choice than the composite in several significant aspects:


The current economic situation means that the price of a project has become the primary factor when it comes time to carry out work. This is why it is essential to take the necessary time to do a cost analysis that each option would require.

Prices vary greatly for the installation of a fiberglass patio. You will need to plan to invest between $20 and $50 per square foot, depending on the company chosen or the type of project. This is an alternative that in some cases can be quite expensive.

Installing a PVC membrane can save you between 25% and 250% of this price; a really interesting economy!


The time between ordering a fiberglass patio and having it installed can sometimes be very long, because it has to be manufactured at the factory and is placed on an order list. The fact that the PVC membrane is installed directly on site offers more flexibility in the schedule, both for the client and for the installer.

A Bestdeck membrane installation requires few tools compared to other options, and requires only one worker in most cases. You will therefore not need to have a huge construction site installed on your land. The installation of a fiberglass patio usually requires more workers, more tools and in some cases the installer will have to use a crane for the work.


Fiberglass can sometimes crack, sometimes even in the first years following an installation, which can also make it vulnerable to mold. This can require expensive repairs.

The flexibility of the PVC membrane ensures that it adapts perfectly to the surface. So no worries; you will not have to repair cracked boards.

Should an accident occur that causes damage to the surface, most repairs can be done quickly and are inexpensive.

What to choose?

It's time to think outside the box. Even if fiberglass seems to have established itself in Quebec landscapes, other more interesting options, both practical and economical, are available on the market.

Although the level of maintenance required, the resistance of the material and the choice of colors of fiberglass are rather comparable to PVC, the advantages of the latter make it a logical option.

The affordable price, hassle-free installation and proven durability of the Bestdeck membrane are elements that make the decision easy for those considering building or renovating a deck.

Join more and more households across the province and opt for PVC siding to increase the value of your home, beautify your living environment and make the most of your outdoor spaces.

Do you have questions about the advantages of Bestdeck coatings over fiberglass? Would you like to get a quote for your terrace? Contact us today!

Author: Lawrence Labbé

Posted on May 26th, 2023

patio style rustique
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Depuis 2013, les membranes de PVC Bestdeck sont fières d’être un leader de l’industrie dans les systèmes de revêtements de sol étanches pour les patios extérieurs en PVC. Les produits Bestdeck offrent des designs modernes et des sélections de couleurs variées, tout en étant assez résistantes pour le climat nord-américain le plus rude. Faites un choix éclairé et choisissez les membranes de PVC Bestdeck pour vos besoins de recouvrement de PVC extérieurs.


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