Patio in treated wood or PVC membrane?

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Lawrence Labbé
juil. 14, 2023

In articles from previous months, we have looked at the advantages of PVC membrane over composite and fiberglass. Now is the time to look together at how Bestdeck PVC siding is superior to treated wood when it comes to building a patio or deck.

The wood used for treated lumber is spruce, fir or jack pine, which has been pressure treated to make it more resistant to problems caused by weathering, such as rot.

Treated wood is an easy choice for many consumers for reasons that may seem obvious. However, as we will see in this text, simple reflection and easy research can easily make you realize that this is not necessarily the best option for you.

We will look at the positive and negative aspects of treated wood for patio construction, and compare them with what Bestdeck PVC membrane can offer you.


Building and installing a treated wood patio is quite simple, especially for carpenters and those with construction experience. Problems can arise, however, if the task is assigned to someone with little experience. Sometimes, in order to save money, people will try to build it themselves or have it done by a family member who is “getting by” in the field. Unfortunately, this can cause problems such as a job that never seems to end or ongoing repairs for months.

Installing PVC covering is done very quickly and usually requires only one worker. Bestdeck professionals and their partners are trained to ensure a quality installation that you will be satisfied with for years to come.


One of the major disadvantages of treated wood is the fact that it requires continual maintenance, year after year. It must be re-stained every three to five years and you should always be on the lookout for pieces to repair or change, because it has a tendency to crack.

The Bestdeck membrane is super easy to keep in good condition and is an ideal choice for those who like to enjoy the summer instead of working on maintaining their deck. Occasional cleaning and inspection in the spring and before winter is all that is necessary to ensure you maintain the durability and aesthetics of your patio.

Variety of colors:

A wide range of stain colors is available for treated wood, but the choice remains slim compared to what Bestdeck PVC membrane can offer you. The dyes are usually in shades of brown, beige or orange.

Bestdeck offers membranes in several color tones and with a large selection of different patterns. Some products are even offered in patterns that resemble the appearance of wood. With Bestdeck, you are sure to find the perfect product that will match your home and your outdoor environment.

The price:

Another major reason why people often opt for treated wood is the price of this material. The fact that it is affordable to purchase, and that as mentioned above, some consumers try to avoid hiring professionals by building their patio themselves (at their own risk), makes it an interesting choice for the budget. If the services of a carpenter are requested, the bill will obviously tend to increase quite quickly.

Unfortunately, we often tend to have a short-term vision in our financial choices, and renovating our home is no exception. If you take the time to calculate the costs in money, time and labor that your treated wood patio will require over the next 15 or 20 years, you will probably be surprised. In addition, in some cases, your terrace will need to be completely redone after this period.

When you have PVC covering installed on your patio, you know that the work is done for a long time, without you having to continually spend on its maintenance. In addition, in 20 or 25 years, if the structure of the terrace is still solid, only the top will need to be changed.

A really interesting economy in the medium and long term!

What to choose?

After this quick overview, it is obvious that the Bestdeck PVC membrane is advantageous over treated wood in all aspects.

Its quick and professional installation, its simple maintenance, the choice of colors available and its advantageous long-term price make PVC covering an essential choice for those who wish to renovate or build their exterior surface.

Stand out; choose a product that is finding its place in more and more Quebec families. Beautify your home while focusing on durability, comfort and safety. Choose Bestdeck.

Would you like to know more about the benefits of Bestdeck coatings on treated wood? Would you like to request a free quote for your patio? Contact us without delay!

Author: Lawrence Labbé

Published on July 14th 2023

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Depuis 2013, les membranes de PVC Bestdeck sont fières d’être un leader de l’industrie dans les systèmes de revêtements de sol étanches pour les patios extérieurs en PVC. Les produits Bestdeck offrent des designs modernes et des sélections de couleurs variées, tout en étant assez résistantes pour le climat nord-américain le plus rude. Faites un choix éclairé et choisissez les membranes de PVC Bestdeck pour vos besoins de recouvrement de PVC extérieurs.


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