The different materials for finishing your terrace

26 octobre 2021

The choice of materials for finishing your terrace or patio is wide: concrete, stone slab, ceramic or PVC membrane. But which one is the most suitable, especially for an area where the climate is capricious like Canada? To answer this question, we are going to compare 3 popular coatings, namely concrete, wood and PVC membrane.

Finishing a wooden deck or patio

The wood finish attracts above all with its chic, elegant and rustic appearance. In addition, you have a wide choice of colors or the nature of the coating. However, this type of finish degrades easily and is not really suitable for an area with extreme climatic conditions like Canada. Also, it requires regular maintenance and repair and its price is rather high, especially if you want to have good quality material.

Finishing a concrete deck or patio

The biggest advantage of a concrete finish for your deck or patio is its resistance. This also guarantees optimal longevity, even under extreme conditions. However, it can be slippery on rainy days and waterproofing is not always guaranteed. In addition, it retains heat and therefore prevents you from walking barefoot during the summer.

PVC vinyl membrane deck or patio finish

The PVC vinyl membrane brings together the best of both worlds. Indeed, it is particularly resistant and waterproof in any situation, which guarantees its durability. Also, it does not retain heat and offers you an optimal level of comfort during the summer. In addition, its appearance remains intact even after exposure to the sun. Finally, it is easy to clean and does not require maintenance. In short, this type of finish is to be favored in a region like Canada.

Bestdeck PVC Vinyl Membrane

Bestdeck has been a leader in the PVC deck and patio decking industry in Canada for many years. We offer a wide choice of colors and designs among which you will surely find a model adapted to the style of your home. For example, we can cite wood, cobblestone, sand, royal oak plank or gravel finishes. In addition, our products are 100% waterproof and non-slip to protect the structure and guarantee your safety. Finally, we offer interesting and reasonable prices in relation to the quality of our products.

Find the best material for finishing your deck with Bestdeck

Wood and concrete finishes each have their strengths, but cannot really guarantee optimal comfort in a region like Canada. Instead, we recommend PVC vinyl membranes, which stand out for their resistance, impermeability and non-slip nature. In addition, they do not require any particular maintenance. Bestdeck products are currently among the best on the market and are sold at a reasonable price. See our online catalog for additional information.

Author: Carl Poisson

Published October 25th 2021

Gros plan d'un trou dans un patio en fibre de verre
26 février 2025
Les patios en fibre de verre sont parmi les plus populaires au Québec. Quoiqu’ils offrent certains avantages, leur durée de vie et leur apparence à long terme, dépends souvent malheureusement de facteurs auxquels nous n’avons qu'un minium de contrôle. La qualité du matériel utilisé au départ ou la qualification des installateurs peuvent influer grandement avec le temps sur l’aspect de votre patio ou terrasse.
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C’est le début de l’année; le moment choisi par plusieurs personnes pour planifier les travaux de rénovation ou de construction qui seront entrepris dans leur maison pendant les douze prochains mois. La construction ou la rénovation d'un patio est un excellent moyen d'améliorer l'apparence et la fonctionnalité de votre espace extérieur. Cependant, ce projet peut rapidement devenir coûteux si l'on ne prend pas certaines précautions. Heureusement, il existe plusieurs astuces pour économiser de l'argent sans compromettre la qualité et la durabilité de votre aménagement. Voici quelques idées pour vous aider à optimiser votre budget tout en obtenant un résultat à la hauteur de vos attentes.
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Depuis 2013, les membranes de PVC Bestdeck sont fières d’être un leader de l’industrie dans les systèmes de revêtements de sol étanches pour les patios extérieurs en PVC. Les produits Bestdeck offrent des designs modernes et des sélections de couleurs variées, tout en étant assez résistantes pour le climat nord-américain le plus rude. Faites un choix éclairé et choisissez les membranes de PVC Bestdeck pour vos besoins de recouvrement de PVC extérieurs.


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